Useful Links

Other Language Service Professionals

A lipspeaker is a hearing person who has been professionally trained to be easy to lipread. Lipspeakers silently and accurately repeat the spoken word so that deaf people who prefer to lipread, can accurately follow what is being said. They are registered with NRCPD and have a pale pink card.


The professional body representing Electronic and Manual notetakers. Electronic and Manual Notetakers provide accurate notes from a summary to more in a variety of formats and work in a number of settings including professional, conference, community, medical and academic.


Interpreter related links

The National Registers of Communication Professionals working with Dead and Deafblind people (NRCPD) is the national regulator of over 1600 language service professionals including BSL/English Interpreters and Translators, Lipspeakers, Notetakers, Speech to Text Reporters and Interpreters for Deafblind people.


The Regulatory Body for Sign Language Interpreters and Translators (RBSLI) is an independent, voluntary regulator established in 2015.


The Association of Sign Language Interpreters and Translators – A professional membership association for BSL Interpreters and Translators in the UK.



Visual Language Professionals – 
A professional membership association for BSL Interpreters and Translators in the UK.


National Union of British Sign Language Interpreters – A branch of Unite the Union which is made up of both employed and self-employed interpreters and translators.

Interpreters of Colour Network – An organisation that exists to address the underrepresentation of ‘people of colour’ in the signed language interpreting and translation profession, and to offer a safe, nurturing, and supportive environment for our colleagues of colour.

Deaf community organisations

The British Deaf Association (BDA) is the UK’s leading membership organisation and registered charity run by Deaf people, for Deaf people.

Founded in 1841, the Royal Association for Deaf people (RAD) provides services to deaf people in their first language, usually British Sign Language (BSL) and supports mainstream providers to be more accessible to deaf people.

RNID is a charity working to make life fully inclusive for deaf people and those with hearing loss or tinnitus.

The National Deaf Children’s Society are the leading charity for deaf children, working with deaf children of all ages, level or type of deafness and communication method.

SignHealth are a deaf-led team working towards a future where there are no barriers to good health and wellbeing for Deaf people. They are partnered with the NHS and service providers across the UK.

Want to learn to sign?

Signature are an awarding body for British Sign Language and deaf communication qualifications in the UK. 


iBSL is an awarding body providing British Sign Language (BSL) and other qualification linked to Deaf Studies.